Unveil is a youth program that aims to empower teenagers and young adults to walk in closer relationship with Jesus.

It’s crucial for every young person to be molded in alignment to God’s word because as the scriptures points out in Romans 12:2 that our minds need to be renewed and not be conformed to the patterns of this world.

Our focus through this program is to equip the young adults to grow and develop in spiritual maturity through Worship, Word and challenging them to walk in a continuous personal relationship with Jesus.

One of Satan’s greatest tricks is to attack young people at critical moments in their lives hence we know how crucial it is to build their faith, train them to get familiar with the weapons God has given them. These weapons are not carnal, according to 2 Corinthians 10:4, but spiritual. Ephesians 6 lists the whole armour of God. They need to be challenged and led to use them in their own daily lives.

Currently, we have the Unveil conferences conducted every quarter and the topics that are discussed and taught by Pastor are extremely well thought out and being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, the messages are tailored to cater to the understanding of today’s changing dynamics of the youth.

We aim to reach and invite unsaved youth in the community to church and focus on a variety of worship experiences that help young people connect with God and one another. Provide a means for young people to develop their individual prayer and spiritual life and a safe, loving, and wholesome atmosphere.

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